f.l.t.r.: Nina Jurcic, Johann Ehrhardt, Jana Beck (VORN), Idan Yoav, Schirin Negahbani, Judith Bondy, Olga Boncheva, Ann-Britt Dittmar, Marte Hentschel (VORN), Alexis Mersmann and Johanna Rotmann (Sqetch)
What a feeling! After 8 weeks of teamwork and training, the nine designers of the VORN Academy pilot presented the result, a phygital capsule collection, to a selected audience on 9 December 2022.
In addition to all the trainers and partners of the VORN Academy, the VORN community and friends were also invited to the Impact Hub Berlin. The designers of the Academy themselves presented their own creative process within and the result of the first VORN Academy to all of them as well as to the VORN team.
The result of their joint interdisciplinary work is more than just a phygital capsule collection, it is an impressive, holistic experience that bridges the gap between reality and the metaverse.
By exploring the designers' positions on the levels of the self, the collective and the (broken) fashion system, the collection not only reveals a new dimension of fashion, but also highlights the importance of sustainable practices in the fashion industry and the potential of digital technology for the future of fashion.
The three looks of the Capsule Collection were realized physically and digitally, for which a Space in the Metaverse was designed alongside three avatars, i.e. digital twins of the designs.
Each look was realized using digital tools in both the design and production process.
The designers presented their creative process and the concept behind their collection in a detailed presentation to the visitors of the Demo Day. At the end of the presentation, all participants were invited to take part in an interactive feedback session. In this way, the team behind the VORN Academy pilot wanted to gather experience, criticism, and valuable inspiration for future Academies.
Afterwards, the designers, trainers, and partners went back for dedicated feedback sessions. Afterwards, the result of the first VORN Academy was celebrated together!
You can experience the concept of the capsule collection of the first VORN Academy Program here.