VORN eG -The Berlin Fashion Hub- supports cooperations between companies, organizations and individuals in a trustful, future- and value-oriented environment. Participation in the measures and programs requires a strong interest in social transformation and the unconditional will to implement it. With open-mindedness, coolness and discretion as well as a modern understanding of morals and more transparency than usual to build up a particularly high mutual trust between all cooperation partners and thus enable the necessary pre-competitive cooperation that is needed to jointly realize relevant prototypical transformation projects and to jointly scale them up to mainstream everyday application.
To ensure this framework, all participants agree to adhere to the following Code of Honor.
1. Respect: we treat each other benevolently, cooperatively, politely, reflectively, and constructively-critically. We strive to build a lively culture of debate and always treat all participants respectfully and appropriately. We expect all participants to take sucient time to treat each other with respect. Equality, appreciation and fairness are part of our identity.
2. Trust, transparency and empathy: We place trust in everyone and value the trust that is placed in us. We strive to always maintain the privacy of all participants and to keep all non-public information strictly condential at all times. Transparency - as far-reaching as possible, but also as limited as necessary - as well as empathy and clarity - especially in the context of problem situations or conflicts - form the basis of our trusting cooperation.
3. Consensus and cooperation: We strive for the consensus principle as a guideline in planning, communication and implementation in all cooperations. To this end, we act as clearly, transparently, bindingly and reliably as possible in all engagements, agreements and commitments - any necessary changes should always be communicated and justied openly and directly. We aim to ensure that in cooperatively developed approaches and/or solutions, the performance of all parties involved is appropriately taken into account, so that mutual benets can be achieved.
4. Integrity: We are authentic with each other and with the outside world. In the context of societal transformation, we also see complex value questions on topics such as political correctness, cultural identity and participation, or intellectual property and personal rights - especially in virtual spaces - coming our way. On the one hand, we would like to support the necessary public and internal organizational discourse, and on the other hand, we would like to test our own practice of constructive-critical development toward a new integrity in everyday life. In this way, we practice overcoming the ambivalences between values and action.
5. Reality: We are aware that our world still ticks a little dierently, but change must be lived, and we want to be role models and promote exemplary action.
By becoming a member of Vorn eG, the undersigned agrees to the principles of our work.
In the event of a violation of the Code of Honor, the Management Board or, if applicable, the Supervisory Board reserves the right to exclude the signatory from VORN eG and its measures and programs.